Food 2020

Food 2020

M&M Food Market Barrhaven

GREAT IDEAS: M&M Food Market is your go to for easy holiday entertaining food. From appetizers to desserts, you won't be disappointed! 1581 Greenbank Road (613) 823-8535   <Return to [...]

Natural Food Pantry Barrhaven

GREAT IDEAS: Did you know that on top of a large variety of health food options, the Natural Food Pantry in Barrhaven has a cafe with delicious baked goods that would [...]

Ross’ Your Independent Grocer

GREAT GIFT IDEAS: Ross' Your Independent Grocer has everything that you need to make your holiday meals extra special. 3777 Strandherd Road (613) 843-9413   <Return to the GIFT GUIDE.

House of Cheese & Deli

GREAT GIFT IDEA: Charcuterie Packages! We sell everything charcuterie including local handmade charcuterie boards of all shapes and sizes. 4335 Strandherd Drive (613) 440-3235   <Return to GIFT GUIDE. [...]

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