Public Art

With a goal of beautifying our community and pedestrian spaces, the Barrhaven BIA (with grants from the City of Ottawa) has installed major public art installations throughout the community. Check them out and take a selfie – that’s what they are there for! #MyBarrhaven

Light Up Hearts

Located in 4 of our business districts, these large hearts provide a great photo opportunity both day and night. The hearts stand 8 feet tall and are lit at night!.These semi-permanent displays are currently located at the Greenbank Animal Hospital (3160 Greenbank Road), Hampton Inn & Suites Ottawa (125 Lusk Street), MacDonald Property Group (1073 Greenbank Road), and the Village at Strandherd Meadows (corner of Strandherd and Kennevale). They are moved annually each spring to a new location.

Traffic Control Box Wraps

Bringing an urban concept to the suburbs, 38 traffic control boxes have been wrapped with vibrant designs from a local artist as well as local high school artists.


In 2023, the Barrhaven BIA commissioned 4 designs from local artist Robbie Lariviere of Falldown Gallery. These unique designs are scattered on 20 boxes throughout the community representing 4 major business sectors and all our Barrhaven businesses: Shopping, Dining, Living, and Fun! The intricate designs ensure that you will notice something new every time you look at them.


The Barrhaven BIA partnered with 3 local high schools in 2024 to create 5 new unique designs. A total of 18 boxes were wrapped with these designs created by the students. This is the first project of its kind in the City of Ottawa where student artwork is featured on the boxes.

“Silly Box” St. Mother Teresa High School

ARTIST: Sarah Lyne Bactol


“Making the traffic box design was really fun to do since it’s a chance to show everyone how I see Barrhaven. During the process I observed what was going on in school and since there were a bunch of sports clubs going on so I decided to represent the sports clubs on the box. I added Drama and art in the design because I wanted to represent them too as someone who likes to appreciate the arts. Of course I had to add the mascot because it is part of our school’s identity and to show some titan spirit! The blue and white border represents Mother Teresa since our school is named after her. Drawing these designs was fun and I am happy to have these up for display in the neighbourhood.” ~ Sarah Lyne Bactol

“SKATES” Longfields Davidson Heights Secondary School

ARTIST: Heyab Berhe


“It is a winter-inspired theme in Barrhaven, based on elements I have experienced from when I was younger until now as a teenager. The experiences I chose were specific, as I wanted everyone to relate to these activities. I wanted to demonstrate Barrhaven’s heart-warming environment in winter, as it is a special feeling we get in Barrhaven. This design was meant to bring good memories of your past and regain the fun you may have once had. When I look at my work, I see pure joy and common activities our community would do. The decision of making this, was fairly easy as I wanted to demonstrate a piece that related to all of us in some term, so we can all have something we relate to when we think of Barrhaven.” – Heyab Berhe

“The Bigger Picture” St. Joseph Catholic High School

ARTIST: Amal Khan


“I’ve tried to capture the essence of what makes Barrhaven feel like home by being focused on major elements that stand out in making Barrhaven unique and memorable. These elements are not just isolated features as they interact with each other, creating a sense of unity within the community showcased within the design to express Barrhaven’s charm. Looking closer you will see little humanoid figures scattered throughout the place. These aren’t just random drawings as they are representations of the diverse interests and memories that are a part of Barrhaven. Each figure is unique, reflecting the variety of activities and locations that make up our community. Despite their differences, they all come together in this one piece, showing that we’re all part of the same community. Though this design was initially just a design it instead took a turn to become a snapshot of Barrhaven and a showcase of what makes our community who we are while also serving as a reminder that we are all connected by the shared experiences and memories that make Barrhaven home.” ~ Amal Khan

“Dog Box” St. Mother Teresa High School

ARTISTS: Sarah Lyne Bactol (art) & Vinny McMillan (design)


“The dog box design features an outdoor scene showcasing Barrhavens inclusivity, the range of people and activities throughout the city as well as the feel of it, bubbly and busy with lots to do. The other boxes were very business centered and I wanted to showcase other aspects of Barrhaven, the dogs I see day to day are just too cute to not get a mention and that’s what inspired our golden retriever Harvey, the heart logo was too perfect for his nose. I owe a lot of inspiration to the park across from our school, I spend a ton of school lunches there in spring and summer and it’s the scene of lots of memories.” ~ Vinny McMillan

“PIZZA” Longfields Davidson Heights Secondary School

ARTIST: Ali Jardine