Sneak Peek for 2025

Happy New Year, Barrhaven!

2025 promises to be another big year for the Barrhaven BIA and we can’t wait to share it all with you! Plans have been well underway for months as we look forward to supporting our businesses and engaging with our local community in new and exciting ways! Our new Strategic Plan for 2025-2030 will guide our actions with 5 key priorities:

  1. Public Experience
    We want to ensure that Barrhaven is clean, safe, and welcoming to everyone! We will be working closely with our businesses and property managers to ensure this through a variety of projects aimed to address the common concerns heard from our membership in 2024 – crime, youth loitering, garbage dumping, and stunt driving/car meet ups.
  2. Mobility
    Barrhaven has to be easier and more enjoyable to access and move within and between our commercial districts. We need enhanced pedestrian, transit, and transportation facilities, as well as improved connections from neighbouring communities.
  3. Marketing & Engagement
    Marketing a business district that ignites, attracts, and cultivates a sense of place. A new focus on people and stories will drive this new sense of identity. Major marketing campaigns such as Barrhaven’s Great Holiday Giveaway will remain but we will also introduce new and exciting marketing throughout the year, starting with our new website in January!
  4. Leadership & Influence
    The Barrhaven BIA is entrusted with the responsibility to effectively lead, influence, and steward the business community and districts. Increased engagement with our membership will ensure that we are best positioned to do so.
  5. Downtown Barrhaven
    The Barrhaven BIA continues to serve as a valued partner in the development of the Civic Complex, in Downtown Barrhaven. Over many years, the BBIA has invested in the promotion and protection of great transformative opportunities for the Barrhaven area, especially the core commercial area of Barrhaven.