Cat’s Pajamas Feline Grooming Studio
Cat’s Pajamas grooms cats using safe, sensitive handling techniques, feline appropriate equipment and products, one-on-one, in a quiet studio environment created and designed strictly for felines. Each month we donate our grooming services to registered feline charity Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue because clean cats get adopted faster and feel better. Curiosity and professional excellence drive Janet to be an early adopter of new technologies and equipment, regularly attend trade shows, and continually to upgrade her ongoing education.
Contact Information
Cat’s Pajamas Feline Grooming Studio
Cat’s Pajamas grooms cats using safe, sensitive handling techniques, feline appropriate equipment and products, one-on-one, in a quiet studio environment created and designed strictly for felines. Each month we donate our grooming services to registered feline charity Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue because clean cats get adopted faster and feel better. Curiosity and professional excellence drive Janet to be an early adopter of new technologies and equipment, regularly attend trade shows, and continually to upgrade her ongoing education.
Contact Information
Cat’s Pajamas Feline Grooming Studio
Cat’s Pajamas grooms cats using safe, sensitive handling techniques, feline appropriate equipment and products, one-on-one, in a quiet studio environment created and designed strictly for felines. Each month we donate our grooming services to registered feline charity Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue because clean cats get adopted faster and feel better. Curiosity and professional excellence drive Janet to be an early adopter of new technologies and equipment, regularly attend trade shows, and continually to upgrade her ongoing education.