Transportation Master Plan
Residents and Businesses of Barrhaven,
Transportation planning decisions affect each and every one of Ottawa’s residents and businesses, no matter how they move through the city! Barrhaven has a number of transportation challenges and this presents us with a meaningful opportunity to speak up and be heard about the various issues that affect our daily lives: congested and incomplete roads, safety issues, inefficient transit service and more…
Starting today and until January 24, residents, businesses and stakeholders will have their first opportunity to provide input into the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) update by completing a short online questionnaire about what they consider important for the TMP.
The TMP is the City’s blueprint for transportation growth management policies, and the planning, funding, and implementation of its walking, cycling, transit and road networks over the next several decades.
Since the previous master plan in 2013, Ottawa has continued to prosper and grow. We’re now a city with more than 1 million people. We’ve opened the Confederation Line and we’re moving ahead with Stage 2 LRT. We’re also continuing to see a noticeable shift toward healthy, active transportation. With growth comes mobility challenges such as traffic congestion, affordability of travel, and access needs.
The City has started work to update the TMP to review the ways in which people, vehicles and goods move through our city – and how this mobility can be achieved responsibility and sustainably for all including those who have mobility challenges.
The TMP update will take place in four phases over the next two-and-a-half years with many opportunities for public input, including the important Origin-Destination Survey, which gathers information on how people and goods travel through the city.
We invite you to share what is important to you today and for the next several decades by filling out the questionnaire at We also encourage you to share the questionnaire broadly with your family, friends and neighbours to ensure their views are captured. We also invite you to share your comments with us at .