Barrhaven BIA Membership Benefits

All Barrhaven businesses operating in commercial units, as well as local commercial property owners, are automatically members of the BBIA. As a business and/or property owner, you can influence what happens in our district by providing feedback, getting involved with our BIA Board, committees and special events. Our team is already working hard on your behalf.

Daily Social Media

Through daily social media activity the BBIA promotes our businesses and provides updates about Barrhaven to over 11k followers. Make sure to follow us and connect on Facebook and Instagram so we can interact with you and promote your business too.

Business Directory

Our website’s business directory is another tool that we use to help you promote your business. All member businesses are included in our Barrhaven Business Directory, the most comprehensive directory of businesses in the area.

Business Profiles

Take advantage of our extensive reach and have your business profiled through the Barrhaven BIA social media channels and website. For more information, please email

Keeping Businesses Informed

Business E-Newsletters

Our weekly email newsletter to businesses features curated content to keep you up to date on everything the BBIA has going on along with important government and private sector updates and opportunities. Contact us if you are not already receiving our emails.

Networking Opportunities

The Barrhaven BIA offers many opportunities throughout the year for businesses to connect and collaborate with one another as well as key stakeholders. From smaller networking cafés to large events, there is something for everyone. Check out our current opportunities HERE.

Building a sense of community in the suburbs

Public Art and Activations

To bring an added level of beauty and vibrancy to the community, the Barrhaven BIA has invested in a variety of public art installations including our 8’ light up Barrhaven hearts, traffic control box wraps featuring local artists, our Branded Street Banner program, extensive signage, and our holiday lights at the corners of Greenbank and Strandherd. Get involved by hosting a heart at your location for a year or purchasing a branded banner. Watch for updates in our emails.

Barrhaven Market Events

Twice a year, the Barrhaven BIA partners with Ottawa Farmers’ Market to host the biggest market events of the season! Join us in June and September to shop the more 60 vendors at the Nepean Woods Park & Ride. Member businesses can also participate by hosting a booth free of charge.

Community Events Calendar

Barrhaven is a vibrant community with many organizations hosting events throughout the year. The Barrhaven BIA is proud to support these organizations through our Community Event Calendar. Many of these events also offer great opportunities for businesses to get involved.

Improving the Public Experience

Barrhaven is clean, safe, and welcoming for everyone

A consistently clean and safe environment is the foundation of a vibrant experience. Barrhaven’s expansive growth offers opportunities to enhance the area’s commercial and public spaces and establish more inspiring places that welcome a wide range of businesses that add to our community’s vibrancy.


Barrhaven is easier and more enjoyable to access and move within and between our commercial districts, has enhanced pedestrian, transit, and transportation facilities, and improved connections from neighbouring communities.

Advocating for Your Success

Unified and Collaborative Business Voice

A unified and collaborative business voice to multiple levels of government, including letters and submissions, research and reports. The Barrhaven BIA is active in public consultations with public leaders on issues such as the Barrhaven Downtown, development planning, and more. Our goal is to support your businesses as part of a Barrhaven that continues to develop as a premier destination that is well connected to the rest of the City of Ottawa.

Downtown Barrhaven

The Barrhaven BIA continues to serve as a valued partner in the development of the Civic Complex, in Downtown Barrhaven. Over many years, the BBIA has invested in the promotion and protection of great transformative opportunities for the Barrhaven area, especially the core commercial area of Barrhaven. Our downtown public spaces must be thoughtfully designed and actively and effectively programmed. We will work with our Councillors to ensure that there are a variety of flexible creative and gathering spaces in our downtown as well as thoughtfully planned, attainable, and diverse housing types and prices.