Transportation Improvements for Barrhaven
Over the next 2-4 years the City will update its Official Plan and the Transportation Master Plan. The Barrhaven BIA is working with local Community Associations to review transportation challenges and opportunities for Barrhaven to prepare a plan to advocate on behalf of the community. The planning work is done for many needed Barrhaven-area transportation improvements. Building a solid case for funding for their implementation will be very important during the next term of Ottawa City Council.
Here are the projects for Barrhaven;
· Greenbank Road Realignment and Southwest Transitway (Chapman Mills Dive to Cambrian Road): Four lane road with two median lanes for rapid transit. The EA has Council approval. This project is identified in the City’s Affordable Network. This project will improve the capacity of north-south commuter traffic from Half Moon Bay and provide a reliable bus rapid connection to the Southwest Transitway.
· Widening of Strandherd Drive (Maravista Drive and Jockvale Road) to 4 lanes: In detailed design with multi-year construction to follow, includes grade-separation with VIA Rail. This project will improve capacity for commuters destined to Highway 416 and improve safety at the existing at-grade rail crossing.
· Widening of Longfields Road (Cambrian Road to Prince of Wales Drive) to 4 lanes: Design underway, project is in the City’s Affordable Network. This project will improve capacity for Half Moon Bay commuters headed to Prince of Wales Drive.
· Chapman Mills Drive Extension and Southwest Transitway, westerly: New four-lane road with two-lane bus rapid transit facility (Longfields Road and Strandherd Drive). EA has Council approval. This project will further improve both roadway and transit service capacity in the Barrhaven area.
· Greenbank Road and Southwest Transitway Extension (Cambrian Road to Barnsdale Road) including park and ride: EA has Council approval. This long-range project will further address the commuting needs of Barrhaven South.
· Barnsdale Road and Highway 416 Interchange: identified in the Transportation Master Plan as a long-range project. The interchange will provide Barrhaven South with a direct access to Highway 416. With Provincial assistance, this project could be fast-tracked.
Barrhaven residents will also benefit from the recent works on Prince of Wales Drive to increase capacity at several intersections (at Hunt Club, Blazer Avenue, Deakin Street, Amberwood Crescent and Merivale Road), including repaving with paved shoulders.
For more information please contact Andrea Steenbakkers at