The #NewOP: An Update!
The City is rewriting its Official Plan, which is the strategic document that describes how the city will grow over time. Using feedback gathered during the vast consultations all over the City, Planning staff have built upon the 5 big moves report and have published the Council approved Preliminary Policy Directions. The Preliminary Policy Directions include:
- A new framework of urban designations intended to better address neighbourhood context;
- A proposed growth management strategy with intensification focusing on low-rise building forms along new corridors and nodes;
- Improved support for active transportation and better alignment of land use and transportation policies;
- Recognition of transportation and housing as a joint fixed cost to residents, revisions to the employment area policies;
- Integration of public health;
- Climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation policies throughout the Plan; and
- Revised policies for the rural area that will support rural and village character and rural economic development
The Barrhaven BIA gave two presentations at the joint meeting of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs and Planning Committees, held December 9, 2019, to discuss the Preliminary Policy Directions for the New Official Plan. The Committees approved the report and staff are now undertaking to write the draft Official Plan based on this direction. You can see the staff presentation and all of the supporting documents on the new Official Plan website.
Presented at this meeting was also an As We Heard It report, outlining the feedback received by residents through different activities such as: online polls, community workshops, meetings, working groups or email correspondence. Residents often noted their desire to see how their feedback has been addressed by staff. This report outlines both the key themes we heard from the public and how the Preliminary Policy Directions addresses these.
The next step in the development of a new Official Plan will be the presentation of a Growth Strategy to another joint meeting of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs and Planning Committees on March 30, 2020, and then a draft Official Plan to be prepared in October 2020.
The City will continue to engage the public in the development of the new Official Plan. Please join them for a Panel on Economic Development and the new Official Plan:
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm February 18th, 2020
Ottawa Art Gallery, Alma Duncan Salon
They will feature four fantastic panelists, each with a unique understanding of economic potential here in Ottawa. After the moderated panel discussion, there will be an opportunity for you to ask the panelists questions. Following the Q and A there will be time for mingling with light refreshments. Learn more about this event and register to attend on their website.
For additional information about the BBIA and our continued participation in the process of drafting the City’s new OP, please contact:
Andrea Steenbakkers
Executive Director
Barrhaven BIA