The Importance of Economic Development in Barrhaven
The Barrhaven Business Improvement Area is a strong supporter of local economic development. We take pride in being an active partner in bringing and sustaining existing jobs in our community. We help local businesses save and make more money.
We work with local land-owners, developers, Invest Ottawa and the City of Ottawa to attract business growth and much needed high wage jobs to Barrhaven. High wage jobs within this community of over 90,000 residents will contribute to a better quality of life for all as dollars spent supporting local small businesses are reinvested back into the community. Most often, small business owners live in the community and are great supporters of youth teams, local charities and services like hospitals.
The Need for Local Employment
Employment growth in Barrhaven will take some of the pressure off of our road and transit systems by allowing people to live and work in the community. It will also bring employees to the community during the day, from other areas of the City, further supporting local retailers and professional service providers.
Economic developers, like those at the City and Invest Ottawa, provide assistance to companies that create jobs in our economy. Not only do they support new start up businesses but also the expansion of existing businesses. Healthy job growth, in turn, expands our economic base and contributes to local infrastructure and social improvements funding through increased tax revenue.
Projects like the recently tabled north-south LRT EA for Barrhaven, by Mayor Watson and Councillor Harder, and a proposed new Soundstage and Cultural Hub with 500 jobs on Woodroffe Ave are very important to Barrhaven. The BBIA is actively supporting both. The City refreshes the Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan in the next term of Council, starting in 2019. Several months ago, the Barrhaven BIA launched a Barrhaven transit and infrastructure focus group to prepare for a submission during these review processes next year. Please follow us for updates on this.
For more information please contact Andrea Steenbakkers at