Barrhaven Town Centre – Open For Business
Strandherd Widening Update
With the ongoing construction in the areas of Strandherd, Greenbank, and Jockvale, it can be challenging to get where you are going in Barrhaven and some people may be avoiding the area altogether. We would like to encourage you to remember that all the businesses in the Barrhaven Town Centre remain Open For Business. This week we received some updates about what is coming up:
For this week, until Thursday night, between 8pm and 6am, the road between the Petro Canada/Best Buy and Shoppers/Home Depot will be closed as crews prepare to connect the water lines they have been installing on Strandherd Drive and Jockvale Road.
Starting Tuesday, October 15th, again between the hours of 8pm and 6am, there will be lane closures and police on hand to direct traffic at the corner of Jockvale Road and Strandherd Drive. This will continue during the week and possibly into the following week so that the water pipes can be connected to the main line.
Following these events, there may be minor lane closures as the pipes are cleaned and full connected to the system.
This work is crucial to prepare for the Strandherd widening project that is due to start in 2020. This infrastructure component will provide the water necessary to complete the project. Every effort is being made to do work during off-peak times to minimize the disruption.
Barrhaven Town Centre – Open For Business
As we head into the busy Thanksgiving weekend, Barrhaven Town Centre has everything that you need to ensure that your gathering is perfect. From food to clothing to decor, Barrhaven Town Centre is your one stop shop to get it all done! To make it easier, here are a few suggestions of alternate routes to get in and out during lane reductions and road closures:
If you are approaching from the West on Strandherd, consider turning in at the Home Depot parking lot, ahead of the intersection at Jockvale.
Those approaching from Greenbank should consider entering at the corner of Greenbank and Marketplace, just south of Strandherd.
There are many entrances and exits on both Strandherd and Greenbank that do not have traffic lights but a quick right turn can get you in and out quite quickly.