Barrhaven.Live by Hummingbird Music
Hummingbird Music, located at 900 Greenbank Road, has been serving the community and providing music lessons to children for the past 45 years! Throughout their journey, Hummingbird Music has grown from providing music lessons to becoming a music hub in Barrhaven. They currently have a recording studio, put together and work with bands, put on music recitals and shows, and still provide music lessons to their loyal students.
In the past year, Hummingbird Studios has grown again. They recently released a new website called “Barrhaven.Live”. They are also building a performance space with the goal of building a venue where performers can come and express their talent.
Barrhaven Live is a website developed to keep people informed about the various events and activities happening in Barrhaven daily. Hummingbird Music personnel felt that many residents in Barrhaven were unaware of the multiple events and activities happening in community which led to them needing to leaving the neighbourhood whenever they went out. By informing people of daily events, Hummingbird Music wanted to help paint Barrhaven as a destination for people on their nights out instead of a place they had to leave to seek entertainment.
Barrhaven Live has information on both events and activities. Searching is done through categories, dates, and keywords to ensure you find what you are looking for. You can also search for events depending on the day of the week you are looking to go out.
Barrhaven Live is going to be an excellent tool for everyone. Whether looking for a destination for date night or for late afternoon/early evening activities for the kids, Barrhaven Live has got you covered! They have even taken it one step further to include activities like summer camps and recreation programs and this will be a great tool for parents too!
Along with Barrhaven Live, Hummingbird Studios is also building a performance space. The space will be used for various events and shows (predominantly music shows and performances). Hummingbird Music is a massive supporter of talent development and community networking. They believe this room will significantly benefit talented performers who need a platform to showcase their talent and get their name out there in the community. The performance space will be the perfect opportunity for these undiscovered talents to get the full production experience and perform in front of people. Once the performance space opens and starts organizing events, Hummingbird Music will use Barrhaven Live to inform the public of these events.
With both the performance space and Barrhaven Live, Hummingbird Music is looking to help the community and local businesses. Both of these projects are extremely beneficial to all parties and will hopefully blossom and spread across the community. Hummingbird Studio needs support from the community to help share their website. Please make sure to check out the Barrhaven Live website and share it! The more the website grows, the greater benefit it has for everyone!
@barrhavenbiaHummingbird Music has launched a website to help residents of Barrhaven stay informed on the various activities and events going on in Barrhaven! They also have big things in the way with their new show room! Stay tuned in to the Barrhaven Live website for more big news and updates on Barrhaven events!♬ Summer day – TimTaj