A Civic Complex for Barrhaven’s Downtown
The Barrhaven Business Improvement Area has long recognized that the full maturation of Barrhaven necessitates the creation of the long-held vision for a civic presence, for a gathering place, to celebrate the community: a gathering space the community can call its own. The former City of Nepean had identified the Barrhaven Downtown, of which the Civic Complex was a component, in its future planning policy in the late 1990s. This community building project was never lost sight of and now, with the funding in place from all three levels of government, it has become a reality. Our Civic Complex area will serve as Barrhaven’s Main Street. With a blank slate before us, the BBIA will work with project managers and stakeholders to ensure that we include successful elements of a Main Street:
- walkability;
- animated and immersive shops and services;
- thoughtful streetscaping including sidewalks, trees, shaded areas, street furniture, pedestrian scale lighting, planters, banners, trash bins, water features, pet-friendly amenities, charging stations for cars and cellphones;
- public Wi-Fi;
- thoughtful landscaping and wayfinding for all seasons;
- outdoor dining;
- cycling facilities;
- public art and community programming;