Banaue Sari-Sari

Banaue Sari-Sari

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset
We now have over 700 Asian, Filipino and Vietnamese dry and frozen foods.
We service Ottawa, Barrhaven, Nepean, Kanata, Stittsville, Richmond and area.

Contact Information


3023 Cedarview Road Nepean, Ont K2J 4A8

Banaue Sari-Sari

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset
We now have over 700 Asian, Filipino and Vietnamese dry and frozen foods.
We service Ottawa, Barrhaven, Nepean, Kanata, Stittsville, Richmond and area.

Contact Information


3023 Cedarview Road Nepean, Ont K2J 4A8

Banaue Sari-Sari

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset
We now have over 700 Asian, Filipino and Vietnamese dry and frozen foods.
We service Ottawa, Barrhaven, Nepean, Kanata, Stittsville, Richmond and area.
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