We are Social! #MyBarrhaven

At the Barrhaven BIA, one of our core objectives is to help local businesses make & save more money.

Together, let’s showcase all that Barrhaven businesses have to offer! Time to start spreading the word:

  • Participate in the hashtag campaign- #MyBarrhaven.
  • Use other local hashtags in your posts- #bbia #Barrhaven.
  • Tag the Barrhaven BIA on your posts @barrhavenbia so we can comment on them and share them with our followers.
  • Make us a co-host for your Facebook event.
  • Check the Barrhaven BIA FB and IG pages and make a Comment/Like/Share our posts!
  • Need help getting started on Social Media?  No problem!  Contact us for help with Facebook and Instagram.


Some Social stats…  Did you know?

  • Facebook gets 2.3B posts/month
  • Instagram gets 1 B posts/month
  • YouTube gets 1.3B posts/month and has replaced Twitter in the top 3 platforms


Want more Social tips? CONTACT US: execdirector@barrhavenbia.ca