Barrhaven Vietnamese Restaurant

Barrhaven Vietnamese Restaurant


Barrhaven Vietnamese knows that tradition tastes best when it’s tried and true. That’s why we have been using only the freshest and most authentic of ingredients to ensure the tastiest dishes!

If you’re wanting a tasty Vietnamese dish, come try a starter soup like the Chicken and Shrimp Sour Soup. Or if you’re craving something a little bit bigger, grab the Brisket, Beef Balls, Chicken, Tripe, and Medium-Rare Beef Rice Noodle Soup!

Barrhaven Vietnamese Restaurant


3777 Strandherd Drive Nepean, Ont K2J 4B1

Barrhaven Vietnamese Restaurant


Barrhaven Vietnamese knows that tradition tastes best when it’s tried and true. That’s why we have been using only the freshest and most authentic of ingredients to ensure the tastiest dishes!

If you’re wanting a tasty Vietnamese dish, come try a starter soup like the Chicken and Shrimp Sour Soup. Or if you’re craving something a little bit bigger, grab the Brisket, Beef Balls, Chicken, Tripe, and Medium-Rare Beef Rice Noodle Soup!

Barrhaven Vietnamese Restaurant


3777 Strandherd Drive Nepean, Ont K2J 4B1

Barrhaven Vietnamese Restaurant


Barrhaven Vietnamese knows that tradition tastes best when it’s tried and true. That’s why we have been using only the freshest and most authentic of ingredients to ensure the tastiest dishes!

If you’re wanting a tasty Vietnamese dish, come try a starter soup like the Chicken and Shrimp Sour Soup. Or if you’re craving something a little bit bigger, grab the Brisket, Beef Balls, Chicken, Tripe, and Medium-Rare Beef Rice Noodle Soup!

Barrhaven Vietnamese Restaurant

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